Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Rebirth of Video

Growing up, one of my favorite things was staying up late on Sundays to watch the only show worth watching on MTV. 120 Minutes not only did a novel thing and play videos, but they also showcased "alternative music" videos. In fact, that show introduced me to the Pixies.

As time moved on, MTV began replacing music videos with more scripted and unscripted shows. As a result, the music video universe started to go away. However that has been changing in the last few years (just like vinyl) and now we are in a mini-renaissance of music videos. In the last few weeks, there have been some amazing things hitting the web and it has been giving these artists more exposure than anything else in the music industry could at this point.

Here are some must see videos.

M.I.A.'s Born Free is violent and very engaging.

LCD Soundsystem's Drunk Girls is insane and funny.

Erykah Badu's Window Seat is just ballsy.

OKGO's This Too Shall Pass proves that this band is the new Peter Gabriel in terms of their impact to the world of videos.

The implosion of MTV and the rise of YouTube has allowed bands to come up with more creative and controversial videos. Expect more goodness to come to your local screen.

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